"Soledad" is a duo full of sensuality and emotion that explores the wild and tender aspects of a love relationship. Bonachela received the Guglielmo…

Raúl Reinoso
In Zen Buddhism the word "Satori" refers to spiritual illumination. The choreography illustrates this journey into the interior from several abstract…

Micaela Taylor
“This work focuses on the complexities of performance. The dancers emotionally weave in and out what is reality and what is a show. The fourth wall…

Norge Cedeño
A universe where the real and the unreal blur their limits to reach our chimeras.
An approach to sensitive realities and imaginaries of a nation and…

Raúl Reinoso
The story of a cimarron, (this is how enslaved men and women were called in Cuba, after fleeing in search of freedom) invites us to reflect on the…

Juliano Nunes
Inspired by Glenda Leon's works Every flower is a shape of time and Interpreted world. Depicting the joy of Cubans, their vividly rhythm, their…