"Satori", choreography by Raúl Reinoso premiered by Acosta Danza in August 2018, has just won, the Villanueva Prize given by the members of the Critics and Scenic Research Section of the UNEAC to the best Cuban and foreign shows seen in our country this year.
The work recreates concepts of Zen Buddhism about spiritual enlightenment. His music is an original score created by Pepe Gavilondo in which components of electronic music and acoustic and folk sounds are combined. The lights were designed by the Italian artist Fabiana Piccioli and the costumes and sets were created by the curator Archel Angelo Alberto.
Along with "Satori" were awarded other dance shows such as "Consagración", of Contemporary Dance of Cuba; "Tabula Rasa", by the company Malpaso and "The Rites of Springs", by Danza Espiral.
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