He was born in Havana. At the age of five he began to practice artistic gymnastics. In 2014 he began his dance studies at the "Alejo Carpentier" Provincial Dance School. During these years he obtained several awards such as first place in the contemporary work modality at the Ernestina Quintana Festival with the group choreography Déjame ver, by Thais Doimeadios and 2nd place in folk dance with the piece La meneadera, by Gloria Benítez Parra. In 2019 he entered the Acosta Danza Academy, where he attended the intermediate level of artistic education. During those years he performed choreographies such as Tocororo Suite, by Carlos Acosta. In November 2021, he is part of the dancers of the Stretch Timemonochromes Project, by Belgian choreographer Isabella Soupart, in the Cuban Art building of the National Museum of Fine Arts, during the celebration of the 14th Havana Contemporary Art Biennial. He graduated in 2023 and went on to join the founding cast of Acosta Danza Yunior. In January 2023 he was one of the young international artists selected to participate in the Prix de Lausanne, as part of the Choreographic Project, led by the Spanish choreographer Goyo Montero. He graduated in 2023 and went on to join the founding cast of Acosta Danza Yunior.